Europe's network of young film lovers

This is the place to meet, watch, and chat about European films with other young people like you, no matter where you are in Europe.

European Film Club is a platform and a film club network that you can easily join. It’s a project of the European Film Academy, and it’s co-created by young people.

Join the Club


We are connected through film

  • Hey there, are you aged between 12 and 19? Do you like films?

  • Then you should definitely join our community.

  • We choose the films we like, then watch and discuss them together. Sounds cool, right?



We explore European cinema together

  • You can join a film club or start your own based on location or interests.
  • Invite friends and colleagues to join your film club.
  • Connect with young people from across Europe on our interactive platform.
  • Rate and review films.
  • Join or organise Watch Parties whenever and wherever you are in Europe.
  • Get insights into the film industry. We interview actors and filmmakers to find out the coolest behind-the-scenes stories.
  • Become a member of our Consultation group, if you want to further build the community with us 💜


Join the European Film Club

European Film Club is the only film platform and film club network co-created for and by young people.

Content is curated by young people.

Members of European Film Club are young people aged 12 to 19.

Film clubs can be set up by teenagers, but also by teachers, film industry professionals or NGO workers.

The members' area is a safe community space: all registrations are validated by the film club leaders.

As a member, you can rate, review, and discuss films in the members' area. And you can easily connect with young people from different countries.

Watch parties are accessible all over Europe: you can join one wherever you are!

Get insights into the film industry. Filmmakers are only interviewed by us, young people, and we peel back the curtains on the film industry to see behind the scenes.

All films are rated (12-14, 15-19).

Access is free & registration is easy.

Let's spread the love for cinema!

Join the European Film Club

Meet the Youth Council

The Youth Council are the co-founders of the programme. Currently gathering 12
young members from 11 countries, they are actively working on the development
of the European Film Club.

“We get to see how different cultures are.
Every country has their own style of music,
film and everything.It’s good to showcase that,
because it opens up our eyes and shows us
how they see the world versus how you see it.”
~Ahmad, Sweden, Youth Council member

Partner Network

European Film Club is funded by
the Creative Europe MEDIA programme,
and the project is supported by
a growing network of European partners:

Get in touch with us!

Do you like the idea of the European Film Club?
Join the network and develop this innovative film programme
for young people together with us.

Become a partner