Young Audience Summit

The Young Audience Summit is an annual event hosted by young
people with participants from 20+ countries exploring important
topics through film. We engaged in powerful discussions on
Climate Change, Human Rights, Diversity, Racism & Untold Histories,
or Gender Representation.


Young Audience Summit

The Young Audience Summit is an annual event hosted by young people with participants from 20+ countries exploring important topics through film. We engaged in powerful discussions on Climate Change, Human Rights, Diversity, Racism & Untold Histories, or Gender Representation.


2023 Event

The third edition of the Young Audience Summit took place on November 4, in Erfurt, Germany and focused on “The Future of Humanity”, discussing climate change, human rights, and the societal impact of the pandemic, especially on young people’s mental health as well as looking at visions of utopia and what dystopian future we may face if we do nothing.

A total of 30 young people from 13 countries took part in the Summit in person and 322 young people joined via the livestream or through the Zoom breakout rooms.

Young people were involved in every aspect of the event. They came up with the main theme and the sub-themes. They hosted it and Youth Council and Consultation Group members moderated every session, preparing the topics and questions to prompt discussion. They even selected the short films that were screened!

Feedback was amazing with 100% of the in-person participants feeling the Summit was educational, 61% said they learned more about climate change; 83% more about human rights; 78% more about young people’s mental health and 83% more about visions of utopia.


2022 Event

The 2022 edition of the YOUNG AUDIENCE SUMMIT took place in Berlin on June 19th, and was organised around the theme of representation and how European film reflects and represents young people, shapes identity and a sense of European culture.

The hybrid event was hosted and broadcast live from the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, where 11 members of the Youth Council welcomed other youngsters from all over Europe, who joined them online.

The goal was to look at and celebrate examples of good practice as well as where the industry falls short.


2021 Event

The European Film Academy Young Audience Summit 2021 was co-created by and for former YAA participants and other young film enthusiasts.

The event took place online on April 17th 2021 with 79 young people attending from 25 countries. It explored plans to develop a European Film Club as well as questions such as: Should films be given a higher priority in schools? How important are films to young people? And can we create a sense of European culture through cinema?